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+05: Antibothis, vol.4

Sales price 25,00 €
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Book anthology with CD compilation, 142 PAGES, IN ENGLISH

ISBN: 978-989-8363-20-6
Cover and illustrations by André Lemos. Design by João Cunha.

Featuring texts from Chad Hensley, Polly Superstar, Crimethinc, Raymon Salvatore Harmon, Z'ev, Júlio Mendes Rodrigo, Ewen Chardronnet, Carl Abrahamsson, Francisco Lopez, Trevor Brown, Robin Rimbaud, V. Vale, Mason Jones, André Coelho, DJ Balli, Joe Coleman, Adolf Marx and Joe Ambrose.
Along with the book an Ambient CD curated by Phillipe-Petit with KK Null, Cindytalk, Machinefabriek, Michel Banabila + Philippe Petit, Israel Martinez, Pas + If Bwana, Murcof, Bela Emerson, Scanner / Sl Cut DB, Xambuca, The Stargazer's Assistant and Mark Beazley. Listen at THISCO bandcamp



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