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+04: Chthonic : Prose & Theory


by Vadge Moore

132p., in English, ISBN: 978-989-95447-5-8

Vadge Moore is an American author and musician that has spent a lifetime testing the boundaries of good and evil. He toured and recorded with the infamous sleaze-punk institution The Dwarves, apocalyptic rock group Neither-Neither World, and his own nihilist-noise unit Chthonic Force. He has written for the early nineties occult journal Primal Chaos, the esoteric magazine Dagobert's Revenge, and the controversial web 'zine Synthesis. Recently Vadge has taken up an aphoristic-prose style of writing that best expresses his iniquitous and sinister insights into the mind of Man. Chthonic: Prose & Theory is just that; prose wedded to theory that scrutinizes the human, all too human, Monster that is Man.

Cover by André Lemos, design João Cunha



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